BOBKAT Reiki & Energy Clearing
Clear your Chakra's & Cleanse your energy!
Service Description
Feeling like you're on a streak of bad luck? OR having a hard time letting someone go? A cleansing of your energy can help. This is a hour & half session where you lay on a massage bed with a warm blanket, while relaxing sounds surrounds you. Allow yourself to submerge into a safe and comfortable space. Bobby Joe & Kathy guide a meditation and healing technique will help you feel reconnected, also you will feel more connected to your heart and your mind. Sound bowls, Incense, BobKat white Light, and other healing instruments are used to assist your energy in it's release of blocks. Chakra balancing is where all your key chakra's work together to allow the laws of attraction work smoothly so you may feel inner connection and peace. A true well deserved experience!
Cancellation Policy
If you're unable to attend your reading, please give at least 24 hr notice so your spot may be opened to the "wait list". The automated reminder of your upcoming session is a computer generated text, please do not respond to your confirmation text. Please contact Inner Light directly at 905-244-5106 (TEXT ONLY) Contact info for Alfredo 416-854-0249 If your booking form is incomplete, or your phone number is flagged as computer generated, you will receive an invoice by email from our system to pay up front for your session. The payment is due within 24 hrs of receipt of invoice. It's greatly appreciated if you're able to notify as soon as possible that you will not be able to attend your session. The centre is kept alive by the sessions offered at Inner Light Metaphysical. Without filling the each time slot, will cost the store it's livelihood. Each session matters! Thank you for your co-operation. We look forward to connecting with you, Inner Light Metaphysical
Contact Details
30a Kent St W, Lindsay, ON, Canada