GROUP Readings (private one on one)
​Allow you and your guests to experience a half hour recorded reading. Energy will give up exactly what you need to hear to feel you're exactly where you're supposed to be in life. Also, connect to spirit for validation! Great for Birthday parties, Bridal Showers, Jack & Jill, fundraisers and so much more!
$120 per person*
*price based on Durham to Kawartha Area, outside the Durham Area may be subject to higher price per person. Please contact Management at 905-244-5106 for quote and booking your group. This is also available in zoom.
Your group minimum is 5 guests. Maximum readings for Cathy in a group is 8. If you have less than 5, please advise as price is subject to change.
PRIVATE & ZOOM Readings (45 minutes)
Receive an in person or zoom reading for 45 minutes with Cathy. You're able to record this reading for future reference. It's an amazing experience that leaves you feeling connected to your loved ones on the other side and connected to yourself. Many describe Cathy's reading as an "awakening!"
$140 per zoom
OPEN GROUP Reading & Corporate Functions
This is an open group where you're welcome to have as many guests. There is No Guarantee all guests will be read. This is an 1 1/2- 2 hour reading where Cathy channels the room. This is not a one on one private reading. Must be booked by Cathy's Management 905-244-5106
$450 (up to 2 hrs)*
House Cleansing
Call Cathy if you feel uncomfortable smudging your own home. She and her assistant will perform
the ritual and channel those present 905-244-5106
​Waking up in the middle of the night hearing noises or sounds that make you feel uncomfortable? Feeling emotions you don't normally feel? It may be spirit wishing to connect!
Rid the energy of a previous owner in your new home with White Sage. ​White Sage are leaves that is commonly used by Natives to push lingering souls or energy into the spirit world. White Sage is used by Cathy to Cleanse any area.
If you would like to cleanse your home, here are the steps:​
Open a window
Be sure to have a bowl/plate under your smudge stick
Begin to draw smoke from your smudge stick using a lighter. If you have trouble lighting the smudge, the stick could be tightly wrapped. Loosen or put some leaves into a bowl.
Be extremely careful when going around your home as your smudge can ignite into a flame. You just want a good stream of smoke coming from it.
The more smoke, the more energy your home is entertaining. Not all souls are unwanted. The smoke can tell you how many and what kind of "houseguests" you have. The more smoke your stick is giving, is a sign that negative energy is building in your home.
Go from corner to corner in a room including the basement. Start at the lowest point of your home and work towards that open window. You are pushing out any unwanted energy. Gently put out your smudge once you've completed the ritual.
Smudging should be done once a week until you feel more at ease in your home. Again, please be extremely careful lighting your smudge! Loosen the leaves and light a small portion at a time. Light it at the sink, just in case a flame is drawn...where you GENTLEY put out the flame with the other end of your stick! DO NOT BLOW ON YOUR SMUDGE!
Your stick will enhance if you blow on it and could fall to the ground!
BOBCAT REIKI by Intuitive Bobby Joe & Cathy $100
Enjoy a Reiki session while being channeled. This is an energy read while your chakra's and Energy are cleared and balanced. This session is an hour in lenth. Smudge, Sound, and Energy healing is used to allow your energy to heal and clear blocks. ​
​To book a session, please visit the booking page.
Alfredo Omar- Intuitive & Master Spiritual Healer
Welcome Alfredo to Inner Light Metaphysical!
This gifted Intuitive has traveled the globe in seek of knowledge and Spiritual Transformations. Alfredo has dedicated his life to his spiritual roots. Mentored from a young age of a Mexican Shaman, he shaped his craft to give to others healing, knowledge, and spiritual growth.
Alfredo offers Tarot card readings, holistic healing, Aura cleansing, and rituals to inspire and to empower yourself so you may live at your greatest potential.
To book a session with Alfredo Omar, visit our booking page.
Individual Readings by Cathy or Breanne
Cathy & Breanne offer a complete energy connection. All that comes forward is part of your energy, and those connected to you here in the physical and Spirit! Truly gifted Energy Readers, both Psychic Mediums leave you content, fulfilled, and connected!
Their unique 5 strong validation points never fail. Cathy asks for validation from Spirit; minimum of 5 from Spirit or from the universe. These 5+ validations are what leave you open minded to acceptance of your own signs from Spirit. Breanne will also give you her own techniques on how to utilize the universe to your own advantage. The sessions is very insightful!
Allow yourself the gift of emotional, psychological,
and physical healing with Cathy's unique blend of
mediumship & Reiki. This is truly an experience like
no other. Sit or lay down for your 90 min session.
You'll receive healing validation about yourself and also removal of blocks along side connecting you to passed loved ones. Cathy is also a medical Intuitive. The blend of all her gifts along side a REIKI session is one of a kind!
No other offers this kind of validation, healing, connection, and understanding.
$90 (30min)
To include a 30 min reading with Cathy, add $160.00
*Group reading pricing is based on Kawartha bookings. Anywhere outside the Kawartha area is subject to travel cost. Durham Region, add $50 (open group) Individual private reading, add $5 to each. Booking outside of either Kawartha and Durham, please contact Cathy for quote.
Below is Bobby Joe (left) & Cathy. Both are highly intuitive and offer 1- 1/2 Hour energy Infused Reiki. Bobby Joe is the founder and owner of Ancient Wisdom, Lindsay. Her experience in the Metaphysical and Spiritual Realm is of abundance! Both lovely ladies work their light so you may feel peaceful & reconnected to yourself, and connected to the universe! Their Reiki is one of a Kind!
To book BOBCAT REIKI, Click "bobcat"