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Learn How to Channel with Cathy!

Writer's picture: Cathy Chafe, Psychic Cathy Chafe, Psychic

Cathy is now leading classes at Calm Surrender! She'll be teaching her unique way of communicating with Spirit. This is a 5 part Course. Beginning March 5th 2022 at 12pm.

Each Step is one class and will consist of depth knowledge of raising your vibration.

Class One will begin in March (March 5th) 12pm start time

Understanding Vibration & State of Consciousness

Class Two, following Sunday (March 12) 12pm start time

Affirmations: dealing with negative thoughts/people

Class Three, following Sunday (March 19) 12pm start time

Surrendering your Fear of Spirit.

This is a long and intense class. This is where I build your trust

in the signs that are sent to you. Trust is a block to clear signs and

I prepare you to trust those that are guiding you.

Class Four, following Sunday (March 26) 12pm start time

Meditation: How to meditate and the goal of meditation

Class Five, following Sunday (April 2) 12pm start time

Prayers & Utilizing your Gift

This is where we begin to learn the power of Prayer and Gratitude.

The gift you were born with is now ready to be utilized for healing or closure.

You're tested, but remember, there is no right or wrong.

Developing a "style" to your own channeling. Each Psychic/Medium has their

way of connecting and interpreting.

Once you've completed all steps, you're awarded a "participation" Certificate.

This is truly an amazing Class. Teaches you to let your guard down and trust signs from Spirit. Classes are limited due to Covid Regulations. First come, First serve....

To Book your spot, Please call 905-242-6328

Entire Course: $480.00 + tax /per person Deposit: $100.00

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